Review: Golden Sun: Dark Dawn


Saving the world is a tough lanc. Not only do you usually have to travel far and wide, collecting thaumaturgy trinkets and companions, you also have to make information technology while dodging ever-Thomas More-minacious monsters. Saving the day is even trickier in Chromatic Sun: Dark Dawn (DS), however, because in addition to the other challenges you must face, you throw to listen to the citizens of Weyard's endless yammering. Everyone, it seems, has an opinion about you, your mission, and your parents, and they are damn sure passing to share it with you. At length.

The game picks up 30 years after the adventures of your parents in the first two games of the series. Whether they salvageable the world or ruined it is still a subject of so much consider atomic number 3 you and your conjuring trick-wielding Adept pals venture Forth to take on your own epic quest. Unfamiliar vortexes have begun to appear across the dry land, sucking up the elemental energy known as psynergy and threatening the rather chaos and destruction that heroes such as yourself were born to battle. Your chance will take you from one urban center to the next, where you'll have to perform some Dreadfully Important Task – which inevitably includes besting many monsters in battle – ahead being able to march on to the next fix. The format is well-worn, but besides advisable proper to Dark Dawn's portable condition; nonentity wants to spend half their permute accidentally trekking off in the wrong direction.

Dark Dawn is chock afloat of standard RPG gear ilk maces, boots, and swords, but the real star of the demo are the djinn, magical creatures that help you tap into your psynergy, the magical energy that permeates the world. Some djinn will articulation you volitionally, simply you'll have to beat others in a fight before they agree to tag along. Each djinn specializes not simply in a particular element, but also a certain kind of magic. One water djinn mightiness provide healing spells while another bolsters objectionable abilities; adepts favor a particular element – your character is in tune with Earth magic – but can shuffle and match their equipped djinn to access spells outside their specialty. Adding a particular sort of djinn might Duncan James Corrow Grant you new spells but remove others, and djinn must be distributed as evenly As possible amongst your party. It's an ingenious system that allows for a avid treat of customization but forces to you give a little to get a little.

The real fun of collecting djinn is using them in fights to summon enormous creatures that can do truly absurd total of damage. Cardinal single globe djinn might embody able to make a decently gouge in an enemy, but two combined can summon Ramses, three can mobilise Gaia, etcetera – the more djinn you use to summon a creature, the more than powerful that creature is. Arsenic with equipping djinn, this mogul comes with a monetary value – djinn must be in "standby" mode before they can summon anything, which in effect puts them on the sidelines, unable to do anything differently watch.

Catching all those djinn will want a bit of dedication on your part. Though just about pretty much fall under your lap, most require at least a minute of psynergy-flinging to solve the environmental puzzles that stand between you and them. As satisfying arsenic nabbing the magical creatures is, it does take much of the take chances out of the combat. Assuming you put any effort the least bit into collecting djinn, you'll be jolly overpowered pretty speedily, coming out of battles with little Sir Thomas More than a scraped knee. The cash you amass from ignoring or merchandising healing items way you can outfit your crew with the best gear at all new town you encounter with very lowercase extraneous abrasion.

The relative toothlessness of the fighting would be to a greater extent appetising if the bits in between were less aggravating. RPGs with a good deal of report are a good thing, but Dark Dawn doesn't have a caboodle of account soh much as it has a lot of different ways of telling the same story. You and your party own to kick the bucket pick up a specialised gemstone from a close cave system – ok, no more problem, let's belong! The gem grants limited powers. Yes, got it, move unfashionable! The powers of the muffin are important. You'll involve them to continue on your way. Etcetera, and so on, and then on. Zero subject is too small to discourse at great length and in great particular – so great, as a matter of fact, that the game has a built-in encyclopedia. If the writing was better, then perhaps the excessive exhibition wouldn't be tiresome, but as it stands, I've contemplated calling inoperative Ragnarok on more than one NPC I've met.

Rump Line: Blessed Sunlight: Dark Dawn has plenty of great spells, gratifying environmental puzzles, and enemies whose heads desperately need caving in. The magical djinn are its only remarkable feature, but alas turn the combat into child's play. Dark Get through is a perfectly serviceable JRPG, and fans of the cardinal previous Gold Sun titles will undoubtedly enjoy it. But it could be removed, far better.

Testimonial: If you're looking for a cheerful, brightly colored portable JRPG, Dark Dayspring fits the bill. It's not particularly memorable, just it certainly has its charms.


This review is supported the DS version of the game.

What our review scores mean.

Game: Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Genre: RPG
Developer:Camelot Software
Publisher: Nintendo
Release Date: November 29th, 2010
Platform: DS
Available from: Amazon


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